Side Hustle Ideas To Earn Your Way to Freedom
Mothers around the world have a greater chance than ever before to make some money on the side, whether they are back to work part time or staying at home. Side hustles are ideal for people in this position and there are many options for what mothers can do.
Any mothers out there who are working full time, you’ll have to sit this one out as looking after a family and working full time is just about as much hustle as you are likely to have time for. The rest of the mothers out there, here are some great side hustle ideas which you can be looking at.
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Multi Level Marketing
Multi level marketing is what we see with catalogues like Kleeneze and Betterware, which is where people sell to friends and family. The real money maker here is not selling products however, but rather getting a team to sellers doing the leg work, where you will be able to count on commission from their sales. At least 90% of this type of work can be done over the phone, from the comfort of your own home.
Online Writing
If you have a knack for writing then you may be able to use that skill to provide online content for a range of websites and clients online. There are many freelancer websites out there where you will find publications from clients who are looking for content, and this is where you can apply and try to win the gig. Write well, keep everything grammatically accurate and ensure that you meet deadlines to get more work going forward. This is a side hustle which you can work on whenever it suits you, perfect for a stay at home or part time working mom.
You can even start up a personal blog to showcase your own writing so that you can reach a wider audience and gain a following that can turn quite lucrative, especially if you are a creative and interesting writer. You will need to utilize social media platforms as well to help get the word out and connect with your target audience, so it may be wise to shop online for Instagram followers, as these can help you gain organic growth as time goes on.
There are many mothers out there who can relax a little on the weekend if they are alternating responsibilities between both parents, and that gives the perfect opportunity for hustle, and flipping is a great way to do it. Head out to yard sales in the area with a phone at the ready, whilst browning for goods, check out how much things are selling for on Amazon or eBay and if there is a profit to be made, buy it, list it and flip it. People at yard sales just want rid of the stuff, which is why there is so much value to be found here.
A final side hustle idea for those who have a certain skill is to make money from your creations. This could be making special occasion cards, baking, making clothing, whatever skill you have, start to branch out a little and sell to neighbors and other people in your locality. If you are able to pump the products out then you could also look to list yourself on a site like Etsy, where people go to specifically buy handmade items.
Which will be the side hustle that you try out first?