June 13, 2020 0 Comments 360 Wellness, Offtime

Hobbies Which Will Keep That Waistline in Check 

A brand new hobby is not only a great way to meet new people and get inspired to do something different with your time, it can also help to keep the weight off and combine the benefits of exercise with something fun.

Many people prefer a physical activity such as a hobby rather than going to the gym, mainly because it offers the chance to get a workout, without the boredom of treadmills and exercise bikes. There are a number of hobbies and sports which can be tried that will provide fun and adventure, as well as helping to burn off those calories.


Squash is a racket sport which is played in an enclosed square court and it is incredibly intense. During an hour of squash people burn an average of 900 calories, and this is because the game is so fast paced. Anyone who has played a racket sport before will enjoy this game immeasurably and they can certainly count on a slim waistline when they do.


The running community looks to be a great one to be a part of and that is one of the biggest incentives for many who end up picking up running as a hobby. The beauty of running, besides the exercise, is the fact that it costs very little to get involved with, investment in a solid pair of running shoes is just about all that is required to begin with this hobby. Another great incentive to start running is that there is no location where you cannot head out for a run, the world is literally a playground.


Believe it or not, hardening is an activity which will not only help to lose weight and stay in shape, it will also help to improve mental health. In terms of the physical side of things, gardening involves a lot of carry of heavy items, Solid back work such as digging and raking, and plenty of moving around which helps burn those calories. From a mental well-being standpoint, gardening gets people out into the open air, reconnecting with nature and that is what offers a calming and more tranquil frame of mind. People who garden generally have better abilities when it comes to dealing with stress and the ability to organise and concentrate is also improved. 


Now unlike the other options in this list, cooking won’t actively help you burn many calories but that is not to say that it isn’t a hobby which can help to keep the waistline trim. The reason for this is that those who cook are generally considered to make far better food choices and will be less likely to indulge in junk food. Cooking opens the mind up to more choices and healthier options, and that is why this hobby is beneficial for those looking to keep a slim waistline.

These are just 4 great hobbies to try out which will help to stay in shape whilst having fun.